As responsibilities increase, we all are left with lesser and lesser time for Entertainment as seen in the Time Distribution for Working People article. Here's a breakdown of IMDb ratings which will help you decide which movies/tv shows/games you should actually watch depending on how much flexibility you can allow in your time investment.
- Bottom Tier (Bad Rating)-
- Movies rated < 6.5
- TV Shows rated < 7.0
- Games rated < 7.0
- Middle Tier (OK Rating)-
- Movies rated between 6.5 - 7.9
- TV Shows rated between 7.0 - 8.4
- Games rated between 7.0 - 8.4
- of the genre you love to watch
- based on an issue/topic you are interested in
- involves an artist you admire watching
- related to your demographic of race/culture/gender
- Top Tier (Good Rating)-
- Movies rated 8.0+
- TV Shows rated 8.5+
- Games rated 8.5+
Notes -
- Remember to click on the "number of votes" link, located under the IMDb rating of the media, to see a detailed info on the rating distribution for the Movie by different age groups, as the rating windows used in this article are age specific.
- Sometimes you will need to personally adjust the ratings for movies/tv shows/games whose major voting demographic is overly biased negatively/positively towards the theme of the movie/tv show/game.
- For movies/tv shows/games from the 20th century (released before the year 2000), your enjoyment is subjective to the level of your development as a connoisseur/pundit of
movies/tv shows/games. - The younger demographic tends to overrate movies/tv shows/games due to their relative inexperience in life, so if you find yourself in lack of good content, adjust your chosen rating window(s) by a unit of 0.5 to be able to discover more content.
- It takes a few months for a newly released (movie/tv show/game)'s rating to stabilize, so wait till the hyped-inflated rating settles down to its base value.
- Your personal preferences for each type of media, depend on how much time you are willing to invest in experimenting with that type of media, Example: Personally, you may have a lower rating cut off to consider a movie "Top Tier" because you inherently enjoy gaming.