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  1. There are no drugs or supplements that have been shown to reduce fat cells in humans permanently.
  2. Some drugs and supplements may help to reduce fat cells temporarily, but they will not eliminate them completely.
  3. These drugs and supplements can help to reduce appetite and boost metabolism, which can lead to weight loss.
  4. However, they are not a magic bullet and they will not work for everyone.
  5. They can also have side effects, so it is important to talk to your doctor before taking any of them.

SECTION 1: Hormones involved in weight loss for humans:

  1. Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a hormone that is naturally produced by the body and helps to regulate appetite and blood sugar levels. GLP-1 is released after eating and helps to regulate appetite, increase insulin secretion, and decrease glucagon secretion. GLP-1 agonists work by mimicking the effects of GLP-1, which can lead to a reduction in appetite and an increase in feelings of fullness. 
  2. Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) is a hormone that is naturally produced by the body and helps to regulate appetite and blood sugar levels. GIP receptor agonists work by mimicking the effects of GIP, which can lead to a reduction in appetite and an increase in feelings of fullness. 
  3. Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) is an enzyme that breaks down GLP-1, so if DPP-4 is blocked it increases the levels of GLP-1 in the body. 

SECTION 2: Naturally occurring fat-loss supplements in common food:

  1. Caffeine: Caffeine is a stimulant that can help to increase metabolism and burn calories. However, it does not specifically target fat cells.
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids from seafood: Omega-3 fatty acids can help to reduce inflammation and promote fat loss.
  3. Curcumin: Curcumin is a compound found in turmeric that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It may also help to promote fat loss.
  4. Green tea extract contains a compound called EGCG, which has been shown to increase the metabolic rate and help to burn fat.

SECTION 3: Plant-derived fat-loss supplements not present in common foods:

    1. Yohimbine: Yohimbine is a plant extract that is thought to block the effects of a hormone that helps to store fat. However, it can also have side effects, such as anxiety and high blood pressure.
    2. Trans-Resveratrol: Resveratrol is a compound found in red wine and grapes. It has been shown to have a number of health benefits, including promoting fat loss.
    3. Raspberry ketones are a natural compound found in raspberries. They have been shown to increase the levels of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine in the brain, which can lead to weight loss.
    4. Garcinia cambogia is a fruit that contains a compound called hydroxycitric acid (HCA). HCA has been shown to suppress appetite and increase the metabolic rate.

    SECTION 4: Prescription based GLP-1 receptor agonists that directly reduce fat in humans:
    DrugBrand NameDosageFrequencyOnset of ActionWeight LossSide Effects
    ExenatideByetta, Bydureon5 mcg or 10 mcgTwice daily30 minutes5-10%Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, headache, dizziness
    DulaglutideTrulicity0.75 mg, 1.5 mg, or 3.0 mgOnce weekly1-2 hours4-7%Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, headache, dizziness
    TirzepatideMounjaro5 mg, 10 mg, or 15 mgOnce weekly injection 30 minutes7-10%Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, headache, dizziness
    LiraglutideVictoza, Saxenda0.6 mg, 1.2 mg, or 1.8 mgOnce daily30 minutes3-5%Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, headache, dizziness
    SemaglutideOzempic, Rybelsus, Wegovy0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, or 1 mgOnce weekly injection or oral daily30 minutes5-10%Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, headache, dizziness

    Types of semaglutide are:
      • Wegovy has full FDA approval for weight loss. Wegovy is injected via something that looks more like an epipen, patients typically start a dose of 0.25 mg once weekly for four weeks before upping the dose in intervals, reaching 2.4 mg. 
      • Ozempic is FDA approved for Type 2 diabetes treatment. Just like Wegovy it is injected via something that looks more like an epipen
      • Rybelsus is a once-daily oral semaglutide approved for Type 2 diabetes treatment.

    SECTION 5: Other Prescription medications that indirectly reduce fat in humans:
    1. Orlistat (Xenical) is a lipase inhibitor, which means it blocks the absorption of fat from food. This results in about 30% of the fat in a meal being excreted in the stool. It is a saturated derivative of endogenous lipstatin isolated from Streptomyces toxytricini.
    2. Phentermine (Fastin) is an appetite suppressant that works by increasing the levels of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain.
    3. Diethylpropion (Tenuate) is another appetite suppressant that works in a similar way to phentermine.
    4. Bupropion (Wellbutrin) is an antidepressant that can also be used to help people lose weight. It is thought to work by increasing the levels of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain.
    5. Naltrexone (Vivitrol) is a medication used to treat alcohol and opioid addiction. It can also be used to help people lose weight by blocking the effects of the opioid neurotransmitter endorphins.

    Ultimate 1000Cal a day - Fat loss diet - Lose 1.35kg (3 pounds) per week:
    1. This diet is not recommended for people who regularly exercise and/or do laborious work. 
    2. This diet will work best for people with sedentary lifestyles, slow metabolisms and high bodyfat levels. 
    3. It is recommended that after you reach your desired bodyweight or bodyfat level, you should resume a natural/conventional diet so as to not compromise your health.
    4. This diet is based on eating 20% of your daily calorie requirement through protein; which are the building blocks of your body.
    5. In this diet; the body is forced to use your body fat for its energy needs while it only gets nutrients from the highly restrictive diet.
    6. Eat once or twice a day in a 4hour eating window. Thus having a 20hour fasting time per day for men (16hrs for women).
    7. Also, a cheat day is allowed once every week to speed up your metabolism; adding 1000 additional calories to your diet in one meal eaten through fast digesting carbohydrates.
    8. First, find your "Conventional" total calories requirement here. (Example = 2500 calories).
    9. Now find the amount of protein calories; this is 20% of your total calories. (Conventional Example = 1000calories*20% = 200 calories).
    10. Divide the protein calories number by 4, this is the amount of protein you need to eat in a day. (Conventional Example = 200calories/4calories = 50g Protein).
    11. Now find the amount of fiber calories; this is 5.6% of your total calories. (Conventional Example = 140 calories). 
    12. Most Fiber being difficult to digest or indigestible doesn't significantly add to your total calorie intake of the day.
    13. Divide the fiber calories number by 4, this is the amount of fiber you need to eat in a day. (Conventional Example = 140calories/4calories = 35g Fiber / day).
    14. Eating Fiber, Resistant Starch and Protein will help you feel fuller throughout the day, even though you aren't really eating any/much fats or carbohydrates.
    15. Remember to get enough enough electrolytes, omega-3, minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, etc. from superfood no/low calorie supplements or natural sources.
    16. By eating ~1000cal 6 days a week and ~2000cal once a week. Thus, you are only taking in 8000cal/week. 
    17. On a conventional diet, you would be taking in 2500cal everyday; this is equal to taking in a total of (2500cal*7days) = 17500cal/week. 
    18. On this highly restrictive diet you will only be taking in (8000/17500) ~45% of your conventional total calorie requirement. This is (17500-8000=9500calories) lesser. 
    19. 1 kilogram of bodyfat equals 7777calories. Also, 1 pound of bodyfat equals 3535calories.
    20. Our body carries 10% of additional water with every molecule of bodyfat. So when you lose bodyfat, you also lose the additional 10% waterweight. 
    21. So it can be concluded that due to eating 9500 lesser calories than required; So every week your body will burn (9500/7777=~1.22kg bodyfat) or (9500/3535=~2.68lb bodyfat) and 10% of accompanied water = 0.122 Kg or 0.268 lb of waterweight.

    22. In conclusion, on this diet, you will lose at least:
      1.35Kg (~3pounds) bodyweight / week;
      7.65Kg (~17pounds) bodyweight / month;
      92Kg (~200+pounds) of (excess) bodyweight / year. 

    The Energy requirement of an individual is based on multiple factors: 
    1. Type of training/exercise,
    2. Intensity of training/exercise,
    3. Frequency of training/exercise,
    4. Current body composition, and 
    5. Weight loss goal.

    Aim to achieve a balance your choices for:
    1. Satisfied appetite, 
    2. Healthy weight, 
    3. A positive mood, 
    4. Myofibrillar Hypertrophy,
    5. Low body fat percentage (~10%),
    6. General overall good health & well-being.
    Basal metabolic rate (BMR) -
    1. BMR is a measurement of how many calories your body burns at rest.
    2. The human body uses 86% of the BMR calories to keep up with its natural processes at rest, and 14% in the process of digestion.
    3. Athletes require the proper nutrition and fuel to perform. This varies depending on the sport and the individual.

    The following Sterling-Pasmore BMR equation is based on a person's body composition:
    1. You need 13.8 calories to support 1lb of lean muscle mass, i.e.,
      You need 30.6 calories to support 1kg of lean muscle mass.
    2. To calculate your BMR accurately, you need to know your Scale weight & Body fat %.
    3. Fat mass = Body fat % x Scale weight
      Fat mass = Scale weight - Lean body mass
    4. Lean body mass = Scale weight - Fat mass,
      Now, BMR= Lean body mass (lbs) x 13.8 calories = Lean body mass (kgs) x 30.6 calories
    5. Lean body mass = (Scale weight) - (Body fat % x Scale weight)
      Lean body mass = (Scale weight) x (1 - Body fat %)
    6. Example,
      If your desired Body Fat % is ~10%,
      It can be concluded that, your desired Lean body mass can be calculated by
      Lean body mass = (Scale weight) x (1 - 10%) = Scale weight x (1 - 0.1) = Scale weight x 0.9.

    The following Harris Benedict formulae are used to account for the calories burned during exercise/physical activities:

    Maintaining Average Muscle Mass
    1. BMR x 1.200 for no exercise (low-intensity activities and leisure)
      sedentary lifestyle throughout the week @ 30-50% MH
    2. BMR x 1.375 for light exercise (leisurely walking, golfing, house chores)
      3-4 days/week for 30-50 minutes/session @ 50-60% MHR
    Maintaining Ideal Muscle Mass -
    1. BMR x 1.550 for moderate exercise (moderate exercise/sports)
      3-5 days/week for 30-60 minutes/session @ 60-70% MHR
    2. BMR x 1.725 for intense exercise (hard exercise/sports)
      6-7 days/week for 45-60 minutes/session @ 70-85% MHR
     Over Workout (Overstresses the Body) -
    1. BMR x 1.900 for the extreme exercise (heavy manual labor/lifting, endurance/sports athletes)
      6-7 days/week for 90+ minutes/session @ 85-100% MHR
    Bottom line -
    1. Most of us today are living a sedentary lifestyle throughout the day, so for the most of us our daily calorie requirement is BMR x 1.2. 
    2. If you wish to lose bodyfat while without exercising, i.e., while continuing your sedentary lifestyle, check out this article.
    3. If you want to increase your muscle mass to its ideal levels, you should at least moderately exercise every alternate day, by performing High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) &/or Bodyweight Training (BWT).
    4. This moderate exercise routine pushes our daily calorie requirement to BMR x 1.55, which is 22% higher than the calories required for a sedentary lifestyle.
    5. This moderate but efficient exercise is near prefect, as it results in the maximum physical & mental benefits, with the least investment of time & effort, when compared to other exercises.
    6. If you exercise more than (3-6 days/week for 30-60 minutes/session) in any way at all, you are not actually building "muscle fibers", you are instead doing one of the following:
      1. Burning your muscles for energy to be used during the extra workouts,
      2. Increasing the sarcoplasm in your muscles and not actually increasing your muscle strength,
      3. Taxing your whole body into stress by forcing it to work more than it effectively "needs" to,
      4. Increasing the probability of injuries, as, your body is being forced to work at a rate higher than its rate of repairing itself.

    Note -
    If you are doing sports or if your job requires the extra physical work from you, its "OK" as long as its beneficial for your career, family, and other things that may be more important to you.

      Reference -

      a.) How much to eat?
      Macronutrients and Micronutrients -
      The following constituents depend on multiple factors, which are listed here.

      1. Calories - See this link to calculate your daily calorie requirement.

      2. Macronutrients:
        1. Protein -
          Stays in the stomach for 1.5-6hrs (3x times longer than Carbohydrates)
          (~20%) of your total calorie intake for all diets
          *except* a low-protein diet advised by your doctor for medical issues related to high protein intake.
        2. Carbohydrates - 
          Stays in the stomach for 0.5-2hrs 
          (3x times shorter than Protein)
          Ketogenic/Carnivore Diet: (0%-5%) of your total calorie intake.
          Normal/Other Diets: (5%-55%) of your total calorie intake.
        3. Fat - Slowest digestion rate at only 10g/hour.Ketogenic/Carnivore
          Ketogenic/Carnivore Diet: (75%-80%) of your total calorie intake.
          Normal/Other Diets: (25%-75%) of your total calorie intake.
      3. Water -
        33ml per kg of body weight (0.5 oz per lb of bodyweight).
        Men should consume ~3 liters of water each day.
        While women need to take in ~2.2 liters per day.

      4. Omega 3 -
        EPA + DHA - 0.5g to 5g (also depends on age and gender). 
        If you are getting your Omega 3's from fish, do not fry or cook the fish in a pan,
        ONLY boil or bake your fish at a maximum temperature of 200C = 390F

      5. Nutrients: Vitamins, Minerals, Polyphenols, etc.-
        Details here.

      6. Fiber -
        It is a type of low/zero calorie carbohydrate that curbs hunger.
        14g per 1000kcal
         of your total calorie intake (amount to ~30g/day)
        Types of fiber: 
        Insoluble Fiber (contains Prebiotics - 5g/day), 
        Soluble Fiber,
        Resistant Starch

      7. Probiotics - 
        1 million colony-forming units (CFUs) (minimum).

        Includes microorganisms like:

        Lactobacilli (like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus GG),
        Bifidobacteria (like Bifidobacterium bifidus, and
        Some yeasts (like Saccharomyces boulardii).

      b.) How to eat?

      Timing, Preparation, and Type of Food -

      1. Fasting - Feeding time consists of a maximum of 4 Meals eaten only during-between "Afternoon and Evening".
        Men - 16 hours fast, 8 hours feeding.
        Women - 14 hours fast, 10 hours feeding.
      2. Fast Digesting Carbohydrates are to be had only Post-Workout.
      3. Some produce is most nutritious uncooked or steamed while some need to be heated to bring out the best in them.
      4. Everything on this list should be eaten in moderation to avoid unwanted side-effects of over-consumption.
      5. Taking isolated nutrients through supplements is not "always" a good idea, however in the case of deficiencies eat nutritional supplements after having a meal for their better absorption.
      6. All food should be organic, local, fresh, whole and raw.
      7. Keep your diet Dairy-free, Gluten-free, Legume-free, Junk-free, and free of Packaged-Processed foods as much as possible.
      8. All non-vegetarian food should be from wild or free grazing animals.
      9. All food containing/grown using; Pesticides, Synthetic Fertilizers, Sewage sludge, Genetically modified organisms (GMO) and Ionizing radiation should be avoided.
      10. Your diet should be a balanced combination of the Paleolithic diet, Ketogenic diet, and the Mediterranean diet to maximize lean muscle mass, decrease body fat, increase immunity, promote longevity and prevent the onset of diseases.

      c.) What to eat?

      Foods, Beverages, and Ingredients to Use -

      1. Sweetener - Stevia, Monk Fruit (natural zero-calorie sweetener)
      2. Alcohol - Red Wine (1-3 glasses) (125ml-375ml) (4.2oz-12.7oz)
      3. Vegetables & Salads - Preferably green/cruciferous, slow digesting & low in starch (20g/kg of body weight) (0.33 oz/lb of bodyweight)
      4. Fruits - Mostly low glycemic, low in starch, Maximum serving of 2 per day
      5. Fats - Coconut Oil and Ghee for cooking/heating, Olive Oil for all other purposes. 
      6. Seeds & Nuts - Flaxseeds (ground), Walnuts & Almonds (soaked), Cashews
      7. Eggs - 2 yolks (maximum), whites as per protein requirement 
      8. Meat - Animal organs & 1/3rd serving of fish, (remaining meat as per protein requirement)
      9. Miscellaneous (for health & taste) - Green Tea, Coffee, Lemons, Garlic-Ginger, Apple Cider Vinegar, Ayurvedic Blends, Spices-Herbs, Pickles, Cheese, Yoghurt, Dark Chocolate (at least 70%+ Cocoa), Wild Honey (Non-transparent, Muddy).

      Here are the Top 40 simple ways to lose weight fast, without exercising!

      1.) Count your calories, and only eat the conventional number of calories, or lose weight as QUICKLY as possible (AQAP) by reducing your calorie intake by 70% by avoiding almost all Energy-based macronutrients (Carbohydrates+Fat) and only ingesting calories by eating lean proteins to match 30% of your conventional daily calorie requirement.

      2.) Remember, To lose one kg (~2.2 pounds) of body fat we need to lose 7777 calories, that is equivalent to eating 100+ slices of bread, So to lose weight fast; think, choose, chew and then eat!
      3.) Our bodyfat levels depend 80% on diet and 20% on exercise, so if you wish to work/exercise less, you also need to eat less (& healthy).
      4.) Eating large amount of carbohydrates, which we dont require, end up getting stored as bodyfat, which in turn also prevent bodyfat release to be used for energy.
      5.) Eat your food slowly, Chew your food more (at least 20times) which fills the stomach more effectively and hence you dont feel the need to overeat.  People who don't chew much end up overeating their food by 3times.
      6.) Eat meals/snacks on a regular/timely basis, as it prevents energy storage as bodyfat and speeds up our metabolism rate which is good for health.
      7.) Dont eat carbohydrates-heavy breakfasts, as we can use our bodyfat for the energy we require in the morning and during our working hours.
      8.) Eat low calorie dinners, as we dont require much energy during our sleeping hours and if we have a heavy dinner, the extra energy intake is just converted into bodyfat.
      9.) Drink at least 10-12 glasses (3 liters) of water every day, as it helps in removing fat and transporting nutrients to all parts of the body and hence helps the body to lose weight relatively faster. Drinking enough water throughout the day (and avoiding coffee) prevents water retention, thus overall lesser weight.
      10.) Sleep at least 8hrs everyday, as humans burn most of our fat (~600cal) while sleeping. Prefer sleeping between 8PM and 4AM as this sleeping schedule has been found the maximum amount of bodyfat.
      11.) Irregular sleeping hours lead to stress which in turn leads to food craving and it becomes difficult for our body to break down and use the fat molecules stored in our body.
      12.) Eat more "Lean Protein" as it releases the hormone PYY which suppresses hunger signals in the brain.
      13.) Calcium binds with the fats we eat and creates a soup like substance that cant be absorbed, thus our body excretes this out and with it the fat we had eaten.
      14.) Drink smoothies, thick shakes and soups as these semi-fluids are absorbed slowly in the stomach, thus keeping our stomach full for longer and making us feel hungry lesser number of times throughout the day.
      15.) Dont skip too many meals or keep a fast for (more than 22 hours) too long regularly, as then we develop a natural craving for food and end up eating more at a single time than we actually should and can.
      16.) Decrease your plate size, going from a plate size of 12' to 10' can reduce the amount of food we eat by <22%. Also decrease your glass size when consuming alcohol, soda, juice, etc.
      17.) Increase muscle mass by eating the right kind of food, muscle mass indirectly inhibits bodyfat.
      18.) Eat supplements/herbs with natural adaptogens & androgens.
      19.) Inhibit GDF-8 ("Myostatin protein") (encoded in the gene MSTN in humans) as it inhibits muscle mass; by eating Creatine Monohydrate (1-2gm/day) or drugs that act like antibodies and capture myosatin and prevent it from attaching itself  to muscles.
      20.) MYO-X inhibits 46% of the myosatins' working for 12-18 hours, i.e., inhibition of 23%-34.5% myosatin throughout the day.
      20.) Eat food which is less calorifically dense, i.e., has lesser calories per unit satiety.
      21.) Eat Green/Leafy/Cruciferous Vegetables for carbohydrates.
      22.) Dont eat plain white carbohydrates like Potatoes, Rice, Wheat, Sugar, Bread, etc.
      22.) Eat healthy fats (Omega-3, Omega-9 and saturated fats) as a major component of your daily calorie intake from food sources like (Fish Oil, Algae, Flaxseeds, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil).
      23.) Dont eat unhealthy fats like Omega-6, refined oils, hydrogenated oils, any oils that are overheated.
      24.) Use naturally existing saturated oils for cooking, like Desi Ghee and Coconut Oil.
      24.) Manage stress (cortisol hormone) through meditation, therapy, etc.
      25.) Get supplements that help in releasing stored fat from your body, have these on an empty stomach: Lemon with Green Tea, 500mg EGCG, and Yohimbine.
      26.) Eat Probiotics and Prebiotics; these aid the body in losing weight.
      27.) Control how much you eat any given time, do not overeat food even if you can eat of it.
      28) Control the total calories you ingest in a day. No matter how healthy you eat, you will gain weight if you eat more calories than you need. 
      29.) Eat negative or neutral calorie foods like Celery, water, black coffee, etc.
      30.) Prefer eating protein over other macros, as protein offers the 2nd highest satiety (after fiber). Each gram of protein eaten reduces appetite by 2calories while 25% of calories contained in protein are spent in the effort our body makes in absorbing protein. Thus it can be concluded that each gram of protein effectively results in (4cal-2cal -25% of 4cal =  1 calorie).
      31.) Avoid starchy foods like white bread, polished rice, pasta, noodle, corn, corn flour, potato, etc as they are converted into sugar by the body and thus end up being stored as fat.
      32.) Avoid eating calorie-dense food like nuts, popcorn, oils, etc. as these foods are easier to overeat and thus ingest more calories than needed.
      33.) Avoid alcohol and processed foods, they damage our body's natural metabolism.
      34.) Intermittent Fasting for 14-20hrs everyday with a feeding window between 10AM to 8PM. It is best to only eat between 2PM-6PM.
      35.) Drink calorie-free non-carbonated drinks like lemon water, green tea, etc. for satiety.
      36.) Avoid chewing gum, legumes, beans and cruciferous vegetables as they cause bloating thus extending the size of your stomach which enables us to easily overeat later due to the extended stomach size.
      37.) Aim to eat 15g-20g fiber per 1000cal ingested. Fiber offers the highest satiety and thus is the best macronutrient to eat to lose weight. Also add Resistant Starch to your diet.
      38.) If you live a sedentary lifestyle with no exercise whatsoever, adjust your conventional calorie requirement by -20% to accommodate for the slow metabolism that our bodies develop due to physical inactivity. In addition to this, if you want to lose weight steadily (-1.5% weekly); reduce your calorie intake further by -20%.
      39.) Order of eating food influences your how your blood sugar reacts to it. Eat food in the following sequence (First to Last): Fiber > Resistant Starch > Fats > Protein > Slow-digesting-carbs > Fast-digesting-carbs > Sugar
      40.) Certain fruits are good for losing weight: Mangos, Blueberries, Pomegranates, Grapefruits. Mangos contain a phytochemical called mangiferin, which may help slow absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine.
      41) Eat same grams of protein as your weight in lb divided in 4-6 meals a day as Protein is the most filling macronutrient there is, and it has the highest TEF (thermic effect of food)
      42) Don't keep calorie-dense foods in your house. If trigger foods are a 10-second walk to the fridge, you'll battle with self-control constantly. If they're a 20+ minute trip to the grocery store, it's much easier to opt for the healthy food in your house.
      43) Chronic under-sleeping increases hunger signaling to the brain (Ghrelin) & decreases the signaling that tells your stomach you are full (Leptin)
      44) Sleep more as You also can't eat while you're sleeping, so your window for caloric consumption is naturally more narrow.
      45) Drink electrolyte water throughout the day as Water is an appetite suppressant in the sense that drinking water fills up your stomach. When under a caloric deficit, it's easy to become electrolyte deficient. A lot of hunger cravings are actually electrolyte cravings since food tends to be full of electrolytes and your brain associates food with electrolyte sufficiency. Adding a pinch of sea salt and a couple pinches of magnesium chloride to your filtered water will make a huge difference in hunger levels, energy, and performance in the gym.
      46)Eat a high-protein snack and drink a liter of water before going out to eat. By the time you sit down and get your food served, your satiety signaling has peaked and it will be easier to opt for the healthier options or at least avoid getting the extra appetizer, side, or dessert

      P.S. For further details, you may also check out the following links:

      References -

      What is HIIT?
      1. 8 seconds of High intensity Training (HIT) followed by 12 seconds of slow intensity training (SIT).
      2. 20 minutes per session (8 minutes HIT + 12 minutes SIT).
      3. Maximum 3 sessions per week (60 mintues =1 hour per week) (Equivalent to 7 hours of jogging (SIT) per week).
      4. HIT Exercises - exercise bike sprints, sprinting, rowing, stair climbing, shadow boxing and skipping.

      Why HIIT is the best?

      1. 8 seconds of HIT raises heart rate 80-90% of its maximum rate, while keeping lactic acid (which makes muscles tire quicker) release to a minimum. 
      2. HIT causes the body to release high levels of catecholamines (group of hormones) which drive the release of fat (especially abdominal and visceral fat), from fat stores for it to be burned by the working muscles.
      3. HIT is better than SIT for building bone density and muscle mass.
      4. HIT prompts the body to secrete growth hormone (GH).
      5. HIT for a total of 10 minutes above “threshold” (60-70% of max heart rate), produces the greatest sustained GH spike.
      6. ~3.5 minutes of HIIT/week (excluding warm up and cool down) delivers health benefits comparable to 1 hour of SIT.
      7. For best results, combine HIIT with Weight Training.

      What is "True Sprinting"?
      1. Running speed is influenced by the ability to apply more force into the ground, and not by moving the arms and legs faster. So during HIT “muscle support forces” during sprinting can be more than five times the athlete’s bodyweight.
      2. The "start" (the first 20 meters, "drive phase") requires the maximum acceleration, thence sprinters need to develop great strength to overcome inertia by applying the maximum force.
      3. Most weightlifters have "sprint starts" comparable to sprinters, as they too develop great strength to overcome inertia.
      4. After 20 meters muscular endurance become a key factor in lowering sprint times.
      5. Sprinters develop superior reaction timing to the starting gun and need to maintain a higher level of speed for a longer period of time. 
      6. There should be a structural balance between the hamstrings and quadriceps, the hamstrings should be able to produce 66% of the force of the quadriceps, that is, front-squat strength should be at least 85% of back-squat.
      7. Acceleration begins from the upper body, so sprinters develop upper body strength to have a good start. Upper body & abdominal strength help in maintaining good sprint mechanics, also the upper body helps counter the torque produced by the lower body. This is also true for all short-term speed events.
      8. With smart training and a good work ethic, any athlete can run much faster than they ever thought.

      References -
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