Every Wedding/Marriage event has many steps:
(not all steps being necessary)

  1. Proposal > 
  2. Engagement > 
  3. Court-Marriage (if not having public wedding) >
  4. Pre-wedding gathering > 
  5. Religious Marriage > 
  6. Public Wedding > 
  7. Post-wedding gathering > 
  8. Initial Home/destination arrival > 
  9. Register Marriage legally > 
  10. Honeymoon > 
  11. Final Home/destination arrival > 
  12. Receive Legal Marriage certification > 
  13. Living together >
  14. Have 1st kid (9+months after marriage) >
  15. Gap between 1st-2nd pregnancy (6+months) >
  16. Have 2nd kid (9+6+9months = 2yrs after marriage) >

For some of the above-stated steps;
the following sub-steps may be applicable:

  1. Initial Proposal exchanged between the couple
  2. Decision makers decided by the couple
  3. Decision-makers/couple decide meeting location/method
  4. Discussion among decision-makers
  5. Pre-discussion on no. of people to be invited to the event
  6. Pre-discussion on Financial responsibility split for expenses
  7. Date range finalization
  8. Negotiation among decision-makers on dates
  9. Date finalization
  10. Final decision on no. of people to be invited to the event
  11. Final decision on financial responsibility split for expenses
  12. Event Location appointment/booking
  13. Event location decoration style decision-making & booking
  14. Event DJ/Music appointment/booking
  15. Event music genre/playlist pre-selection
  16. Event Food/catering booking
  17. Event Invitation design/print
  18. Pre-event grooming artist/location pre-booking
  19. Pre-payment for expenses
  20. Event Invitation digital/physical copy sharing/mail
  21. Jewelry & Clothes shopping location/vendor decisions
  22. Actual Jewelry & Clothes shopping
  23. Clothing & Jewelry choice final decisions for main couple
  24. Grooming artist/location booking for main couple
  25. Post-grooming final payment for grooming
  26. Arrival travel arrangements for main couple
  27. Arrival travel arrangements for guests
  28. Re-confirm all appointments with all businesses and people involved
  29. Location visit for requalification before the event starts
  30. Pre-event Photography
  31. Food/catering quality check before the event starts
  32. Event start time
  33. During-event Photography
  34. Location quality/upkeep check during event
  35. Food/catering quantity & quality check during event
  36. Gifts exchange during event
  37. Event ends
  38. Send away treats for guests
  39. Exit travel arrangements for guests
  40. Exit travel arrangements for main couple
  41. Post-event final payment for expenses

Expenses Involved for each step:
  1. location
  2. decoration
  3. DJ/Music
  4. food-catering
  5. invitations
  6. clothes
  7. jewelry
  8. grooming
  9. gifts exchanged
  10. travel

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