The following is a list of manufactured vehicles that are more convenient to get parts for and less costly to service:

A) US brands:
  1. Chrysler
  2. Dodge
  3. Chevrolet
  4. Ford
  5. Buick
  6. GMC

B) Asian Brands:
  1. Honda
  2. Toyota
  3. Subaru
  4. Jeep
  5. Nissan
  6. Hyundai

The list below is a list of manufacture vehicles that take more time to get parts for and may cost more to service:
  1. Acura
  2. BMW
  3. Audi
  4. Cadillac
  5. Volvo
  6. Mercedes
  7. Volkswagon
  8. Mini Cooper
  9. Land Rover
  10. Porsche
  11. Mazda
  12. Mitsubishi
  13. Isuzu
  14. Kia
  15. Pontiac
  16. Suzuki
  17. Tesla
  18. Lincoln
  19. Lexus
  20. Hummer (vehicles no longer being made)
  21. Scion (vehicles no longer being made)
  22. Daewoo (vehicles no longer being made)
  23. Saab (vehicles no longer being made)
  24. Saturn (vehicles no longer being made)
  25. Oldsmobile (vehicles no longer being made)
  26. Plymouth (vehicles no longer being made)
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