To be a Top 1000 IMDb Voter:

  1. Vote for at least 10,000 different entries on IMDb
  2. The trick is to vote not just on Movies and TV series but also on individual episodes.
  3. This is not something I personally do, but it will be what you have to do to become a Top 1000 IMDb voter. 
  4. Please do not rate titles with a quick fake rating as IMDb has a system in place to recognize bots and fake ratings. Also, no you cannot just get away with rating titles the same as their IMDb rating; its both stupid and unethical if you are a true cinema lover.

To check if you are a Top 1000 IMDb voter or NOT:
  1. Find a movie or TV episode on IMDb with very few ratings:
  2. Now next to the rating click the from "X USERS" i.e.: ... _=tt_ov_rt
  3. Now scroll down to the ratings breakdown you will see this movie's ratings from IMDB's top 1000 voters; Click on that i.e.:
  4. Now you rate this movie with a rating that none of the other IMDB top 1000 voters have rated it. Example: Vote '3' for this movie.
  5. Now wait 48 hours and return to the Top 1000 voters vote breakdown i.e.:
  6. If you are a top 1000 voter you will see an additional vote for rating "3". 
  7. If you dont see a vote added here, it means you are not a top IMDb voter yet.
  8. Lastly, please remove the false rating you added for testing.
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