This article details the timeline and process of acquiring a job from the 1st Step of you filing a job application online to you actually starting your job.

This total process can range between 1.5-9 months as explained below:

  1. 0-2 weeks - Position requirement/need - old employee leaves or team feels they need more people.
  2. 0-2 weeks - Manager-HR discuss new role need and prepare a job description
  3. 1-4 weeks - Leadership/management approval for creation of new role 
  4. 1-2weeks - HR prepares job posting to post online/linkedin, etc.
  5. Application Start - You as the applicant apply for the job
  6. 2-12 Weeks - Online job posting remains active for applicants to apply. In parallel your application (among applications of all other candidates) is viewed by the recruiter/HR, Start here if a recruiter contacted you directly
  7. 1-2 Weeks - Your application/resume is shortlisted or rejected by the recruiter/HR
  8. 1-2 Weeks - You are contacted/notified by the recruiter to get a general overview of your profile to see if you are a good fit for the position you applied for. Also, more information is requested for next interview/interaction happening with the Hiring Manager/Senior Engineer. 
  9. 1-2 Weeks - The Hiring Manager/Senior Engineer contacts you, sets up a video/phone interview (30min - 1hour long) for the end of the week. After the interview, the recruiter asks you to wait for further details/directions based on whether the Hiring Manager/Senior Engineer liked your profile, personality and experience or not. 
  10. 1-2 Weeks - You are notified if you have been selected for the final in-person interview or not. If you are selected, availability times for the in-person interview are discussed and travel arrangements are made for the same. Note that if you were not selected for the position you will have to wait much longer to get any response at all.  
  11. 1-2 Weeks - You travel to the company offices and meet and do an in-person interview with the Hiring Manager/Senior Engineer and other senior Engineering team officials. 
  12. 1-2 Weeks - You are notified if you have actually got the position in question or not. You are sent an offer letter with an initial start date and the package offered.
  13. 1-2 Weeks - You send your consent to join the company and/or initially negotiate the starting date and/or the package offered. 
  14. 1 Week - A background check is initiated in the same time frame. A drug test time and venue is negotiated as per your schedule.
  15. 1 Week -  The company expects you to clear the background check and drug test free of any complications, you will be notified if there are any complications.
  16. 1 week (Optional, if on work visa) - Work authorizations/VISA documentation process is initated.
  17. 2-8 Weeks (Optional, if on work visa) - Work authorizations/VISA documentation is approved.
  18. 1 week - You finalize your actual start date with the company
  19. 1-4 Weeks - You are expected to start working at the company within this timeframe.


Note: A good thing to remember is that your application may be rejected at any step in the process and you may or may not be notified about it. If you notice any unexpected delays; contact the recruiter regarding the same.

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