There are many movie lists on the internet, but they are created according to the preference and taste of the list creator and not YOU, the people.
IMDb has a Top 250 Indian Movies list, but nearly 25% of that list contains movies that do exist have entries that are not made in Hindi or are badly-dubbed in Hindi.
Considering the fact that nearly two-third of India can "understand" Hindi, here is a much-needed list of the Top 1000 Hindi Movies ever made compiled using the Weighted Ratings of all Bollywood Movies.
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Considering the fact that nearly two-third of India can "understand" Hindi, here is a much-needed list of the Top 1000 Hindi Movies ever made compiled using the Weighted Ratings of all Bollywood Movies.
- Movies are listed in descending order of their Ratings.
- The Top Rated Movie list only includes theatrical features and TV movies/documentaries.
- To be included on the list, a movie must receive a minimum number of votes and rating.
- Learn more about how list ranking is determined here.
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