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NET TOTAL COSTS for all scenarios:

1) Living in India @ minimal cost: ~10k/yr

2) Living in India @ US-level lifestyle: ~$30k/yr

3) Living in USA @ minimal cost: ~$35k/yr

4) Living in USA @ world-class: ~$90k/yr 4) Living in USA @ billionaire level: TBD

Here's a breakdown on the true cost of living in US vs INDIA based on your employment phase and lifestyle:

A) Healthcare Cost: 1k-20k/yr

    1) IF RETIRED in USA or choosing normal-quality government care in INDIA: $1-2k/yr

    2) IF Not RETIRED in USA or choosing high-quality private care in INDIA: $10k/yr

        Insurance ~$300 per month (rest is paid by employer in US)

        Deductible up to $8000 per year

    3) IF you chose Early RETIREMENT or Out of network care IN USA: $20k/yr

        Insurance: $1000 per month (all paid by you)

        Deductible: ~$8,000 per year

B) Car Cost: 1k-14k/yr

    1) Employed = Not RETIRED cost ONLY for USA

        Total cool car cost per year, $14k/yr

        Fuel/charging $100 per month minimum,

        Insurance $300 per month median,

        Car loan for new car cost $700 per month,

        Car registration, maintenance, collision deductible, $100 per month

    2) RETIRED in USA or working in INDIA cost:

        Total cheap car cost per year, $5k/yr

        Fuel/Charging $50 per month median,

        Insurance $50 per month median,

        Used Car low interest loan $250 per month,

        Car registration, maintenance, collision deductible, $50 per month

    3) RETIRED in INDIA or no car ownership cost:

        Uber/taxi cost: ~$100/month?

C) HOUSING: 2k-38k/yr

    1) Not RETIRED in US; working in expensive city

        Total cool city apartment per year, $38k/yr

        Rent 2bed 2bath: $3000/month (bay area)

        Electricity + insurance $200 per month

    2) US RETIRED or Rented apartment in Major city of INDIA

        Total cheap apartment cost per year, $10k/yr

        Rent 2bed 2bath: $650/month (toledo, ohio, etc)

        Electricity $100 per month minimum,

        Insurance $15 per month median,

        All other housing cost $35 per month

    2) INDIA: RETIRED or live at parents home

        Rent: FREE

        Electricity $100 per month minimum,

        Insurance $15 per month median,

        All other housing cost $35 per month

D) FOOD/EATING: 1k-8k/yr

    1) Food cost USA: 8k/yr fixed

        Groceries: $500/m

        Junk food: $100-200/m

        Costco: $65/yr

        Instacart: $85/yr

    2) Food cost INDIA: 1k/yr fixed

        Groceries: $100/m

        Junk food: $100/m

        Bigbasket: $6/yr


    1) US: Private school: 10k fee/yr         Childcare/Afterschool activities: $400/m

    2) US: NO schooling fee for public school = FREE

        Childcare/Afterschool activities: $400/m

    3) India: schooling $200/m

        Childcare/Afterschool activities: $200/m

Things to do before you move:

  1. Cancel the current lease in advance to avoid fines
  2. Clean up the place to avoid fines
  3. Pay all bills pending or due in future
  4. Cancel existing subscriptions (Internet/Gym, etc)
  5. Remove all smart devices from your old home
  6. Book transport/storage for your stuff before you move
  7. Book transport for yourself


  1. Car(s)
  2. Subscriptions (Internet/Gym, etc)
  3. 4K 65”+ TV
  4. TV remote & 4K 60Hz HDMI wires
  5. TV stand (preferably tilt+height adjustable)
  6. TV table/rack
  7. Sofa set (preferred set of 2) (for at least 3 people)
  8. Sofa/Futon pillows for lumbar support
  9. Bed (queen size for 1 person) (king size for 2 people)
  10. Bedsheets, pillows and pillow covers
  11. 2x Dressers / drawer sets (2x for each side of your bed and sofa)
  12. Lamps/lights (for kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and open space)
  13. Dustbins (for kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and open space)
  14. Dining/coffee table (for open space)
  15. Desk for work (in open space)
  16. Chairs for coffee/dining tables (in open space)
  17. Shower/bathroom curtains
  18. Wi-Fi extender+Router + LAN wires
  19. Microwave (preferably as air fryer combo)
  20. Smart Thermostat
  21. Washing machine & Dryer (preferably 2 in 1 combo)
  22. Roomba Floor Vacuum (preferably with LIDAR and mop)
  23. Mini/Large Vacuum cleaner (high suction)
  24. Kitchen Utensils 
  25. Working sink (for bathroom and kitchen)
  26. Internet Router & LAN wires
  27. Cleaning essentials
  28. Tissue rolls (for kitchen and open space)
  29. Tissue roll holders
  30. Toilet paper
  31. Refrigerator (with freezer or buy freezer separately)
  32. Suitcases (for packing travel luggage and gifts separately)
  33. Empty bags (for garbage and packing)
  34. Clothes & Shoes
  35. Personal Computers
  36. Personal electronics
  37. Phone chargers for all rooms
  38. Power cord extensions
  39. Shoe Rack
  40. Floor mats/carpets (Entrance, kitchen, hall, bathroom)
  41. Double-sided tape to stick floor mats to the floor

Optional Nice to Haves:

  1. Soundbar / speakers
  2. Hall & room curtains
  3. Alcohol bar (furniture & bottle stand)
  4. Recliner (with 180 degree flat option)
  5. Cloth Iron & ironing table
  6. Books (collectible encyclopedias)
  7. Bookrack
  8. Wall-mounted racks/paintings
  9. Cold/hot water station (in open space)
  10. Toilet bidet (water jet)
  11. Dishwasher
  12. House Plants

20 Addresses to Update after moving:

  1. Online Shopping (Amazon, Ebay, etc)
  2. Airline memberships (online)
  3. Car & home Insurance policy: Contact your insurance provider(s)
  4. USCIS / Immigration (using Form AR-11 Alien's Change of Address Form)
  5. USPS (Change of Address form); UPS / FedEx (online)
  6. Credit card accounts (online)
  7. Bank accounts (online)
  8. Retirement/Roth IRA/HSA/FSA accounts: Contact your account administrator(s)
  9. Trading accounts (Robinhood, etc)
  10. Health insurance membership: Contact your health insurance provider & doctors
  11. Employer records (workday, ADP, etc) in your employee profile or contact your HR department
  12. License & ID (Local Government Offices like DMV)
  13. Tax Authority (IRS): Form 8822 (Change of Address) or by updating your address when filing your next tax return
  14. Priority pass (travel memberships)
  15. Credit Score: Experian/Equifax/TransUnion: online through their websites or by phone
  16. Voter Registration: ensure you receive voting information and ballots for elections
  17. Subscriptions and Memberships: gym memberships, associations, or clubs.
  18. Subscription Services: streaming (Netflix, Spotify, etc.), magazines, meal/grocery delivery, etc.
  19. Utility Companies: Contact your electricity, gas, water, internet, and cable providers
  20. Vehicle Registration: Contact the relevant vehicle registration authority in your area.

Feel free to bookmark this Checklist for your next move :)

Also check out my other article; Travel 101: Things to carry with you when you travel anywhere



  1. This list is only applicable to people living in USA who have medical insurance and are enrolled in an HSA plan.
  2. Qualified medical expenses (QMEs) are designated by the IRS and include medical, dental, vision, and prescription expenses. 
  3. QMEs are subject to change by the IRS at any time. 
  4. It is the member's responsibility to verify that expenses incurred are designated by the IRS and by the plan sponsor as a QME. 
  5. This list is not comprehensive. It is provided to you with the understanding that we are not engaged in rendering tax advice. 
  6. The information provided is not intended to be used to avoid federal tax penalties. 
  7. Eligible dependents include children under 13 years of age, and a spouse or other dependent that is physically or mentally incapable of caring for themselves. 
  8. If you have an HRA or FSA (not HSA), your employer’s plan may only reimburse a subset of expenses. 
  9. Please refer to your Plan Document for confirmation of reimbursable expenses under your plan. 
  10. Over-the-counter drugs no longer require a prescription to be reimbursed as of Jan 1, 2020.
  11. For more detailed information, please click here. If tax advice is required, you should seek the services of a professional. 

Common/Generic IRS-Qualified Medical Expenses (QME's):

  • Acupuncture
  • Ambulance
  • Artificial limbs
  • Artificial teeth*
  • Birth control treatment
  • Blood sugar test kits for diabetics
  • Breast pumps and lactation supplies
  • Chiropractor
  • Contact lenses and solutions*
  • COVID-19 diagnostic testing and treatment
  • Crutches
  • Dental treatments (including X-rays, cleanings, fillings, sealants, braces and tooth removals*)
  • Doctor’s office visits and co-pays
  • Drug addiction treatment
  • Drug prescriptions
  • Eyeglasses (Rx and reading)*
  • Fluoride treatments*
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Fertility enhancement (including in-vitro fertilization)
  • Flu shots
  • Guide dogs
  • Hearing aids and batteries
  • Infertility treatment
  • Inpatient alcoholism treatment
  • Insulin
  • Laboratory fees
  • Laser eye surgery*
  • Medical alert bracelet
  • Medical records charges
  • Midwife
  • Occlusal guards to prevent teeth grinding
  • Orthodontics*
  • Orthotic Inserts (custom or off the shelf)
  • Over-the-counter medicines and drugs (see more information below)
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) like masks and hand sanitizer
  • Physical therapy
  • Special education services for learning disabilities (recommended by a doctor)
  • Speech therapy
  • Stop-smoking programs (including nicotine gum or patches, if prescribed)
  • Surgery, excluding cosmetic surgery
  • Vaccines
  • Vasectomy
  • Vision exam*
  • Walker, cane
  • Wheelchair

Common/Generic Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medicines:

  • Acid controllers
  • Acne medicine
  • Aids for indigestion
  • Allergy and sinus medicine
  • Anti-diarrheal medicine
  • Baby rash ointment
  • Cold and flu medicine
  • Eye drops*
  • Feminine antifungal or anti-itch products
  • Hemorrhoid treatment
  • Laxatives or stool softeners
  • Lice treatments
  • Motion sickness medicines
  • Nasal sprays or drops
  • Ointments for cuts, burns or rashes
  • Pain relievers, such as aspirin or ibuprofen
  • Sleep aids
  • Stomach remedies

Expenses Eligible if a Letter of Medical Necessity is Provided:

  • Weight-loss program only if it is a treatment for a specific disease diagnosed by a physician (e.g., obesity, hypertension, heart disease)
  • Compression hosiery/socks, antiembolism socks or hose
  • Massage treatment for specific ailment or diagnosis
  • CPR classes for adult or child
  • Improvements or special equipment added to a home or other capital expenditures for a physically handicapped person

Eligible Child/Dependent Care Expenses:

  • Au pair services
  • Babysitting services
  • Before- and after-school programs
  • Custodial or eldercare expenses, in-home or daycare center (not medical care)
  • Nursery school
  • Pre-kindergarten
  • Summer day camp (not educational in nature)

Ineligible Expenses (not qualified under HSA):

Listed below are some services and expenses that are not eligible for reimbursement. This list is not all-inclusive:

  • Aromatherapy
  • Baby bottles and cups
  • Baby oil
  • Baby wipes
  • Breast enhancement
  • Cosmetics and skin care
  • Cotton swabs
  • Dental floss
  • Deodorants
  • Hair re-growth supplies and/or services
  • Health club membership dues
  • Humidifier
  • Lotion
  • Low-calorie foods
  • Mouthwash
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Spa salts

Ineligible Child/Dependent Care Expenses (not qualified under HSA):

  • Clothing
  • Food/meals
  • Kindergarten and higher education/tuition expenses
  • Overnight camp

References -

Note 1 - This article was posted in 2016 and prices have gone up by 50%-100% since then so please adjust prices accordingly.

Note 2 - For your easy understanding and comparison during shopping, remember:
  1. $1 per pound (16 ounces) = ¢6.25 per ounce ~ Rs.145 per Kg
  2. $1 per gallon (128 fluid ounces) = ¢0.78 per fluid ounce ~ Rs.18 per Litre
  3. $1 ~ Rs.67
  4. $3 ~ Rs.200
Note 3 - Locations scouted: San Francisco Bay Area and Midwest
Sources - Walmart, Mexican stores, Dollar Tree, etc.

For economic reference, the federal (national) minimum wage is $7.25/hour ~ Rs500/hour

Healthy Cooking Oils -

  1. Coconut Oil (LouAna Brand) (30 ounce Twin Pack, x2) - $0.166 per fluid ounce = Rs.376 per Litre
  2. Coconut Oil (Organic and Virgin) (30 ounce Pack) - $0.3 per fluid ounce = Rs.732 per Litre
  3. Cow Ghee (Verka Brand) (3.4Kg Pack = 120 ounce pack) - $0.34 per ounce = Rs.770 per Kg
  4. Cow Ghee (SWAD Brand) (1 pound pack) - $0.7 per fluid ounce = Rs.1584 per Litre
  5. Olive Oil Spray (Chosen Foods brand) (5 ounces (150ml) pack) (Medium Heat (176.6C = 350F smoke point) - $0.6 per fluid ounce = Rs.1400 per Litre

Milk -

  1. Whole Milk (Dhoodh) (Great Value Brand) - $2.65 per gallon = Rs.47 per Litre
  2. Skimmed 2% Fat Milk (Patla Dhoodh) - $2.16 = Rs.38 per Litre

Fruits (No Sugar Added) -
(Watch Out! Seasonal Discounts can be huge in this Category)

  1. Apples (Seb) (Different varieties) - $0.5 - $1.2 per pound = Rs.115 - Rs.170 per Kg
  2. Red/Black/Green Grapes (Angoor) - $0.7 - $2.5 per pound = Rs.368
  3. Oranges and Mandarins (Santra) - $0.4 - $2 per pound = Rs.58 - Rs.286 per Kg
  4. LIMES (Choona) -  $1.33 per pound = Rs.200 per Kg
  5. LEMONS (Neembu) - $0.25 - $1.2 per pound = Rs.36 - Rs.175 per Kg
  6. Mango (Aamb) - $0.8 - $1.29 per piece = per Kg
  7. Bananas (Kele) -  $0.33 - $0.7 per pound = Rs.48 - Rs.101 per Kg
  8. Cantaloupe (Kharbooja) -  $0.19 - $0.7 per pound = Rs.28 - Rs.102 per Kg
  9. Apricots - $2.5 per pound = Rs.362 per Kg
  10. Pears (Naashpati) (Different types) - $.83 - $1.27 per pound = Rs.120 - Rs.190 per Kg
  11. Pear Halves (Packed in Cans) (Great Value Brand) - $1 per pound = Rs.150 per Kg
  12. Pineapple Tidbits (Packed in Cans) (Great Value Brand) - $0.63 per pound = Rs.94 per Kg
  13. Pineapple (Whole) - $0.5 per pound = Rs.72 per Kg
  14. STRAWBERRIES - $2 per pound = Rs.290 per Kg
  15. CRANBERRIES - $1.3 per pound = Rs.190 per Kg
  16. BLUEBERRIES - $3.23 per pound = Rs.485 per Kg
  17. RASPBERRIES - $3.23 per pound = Rs.485 per Kg
  18. BLACKBERRIES - $2.5 per pound = Rs.362 per Kg
  19. BERRY MEDLEY - $3.88 per pound = Rs.582 per Kg
  20. Guavas (Amrood) - 3 per pound = Rs.435 per Kg
  21. Kiwis (Imported) - $1.5 per pound = Rs.217 per Kg (Rs.16 per Kiwi)
  22. Pomegranate - $0.48 per piece = Rs.32 per piece
  23. Black/Red Plums - $0.5 per pound = Rs.72 per Kg
  24. Papaya - $0.5 per pound = Rs.72 per Kg
  25. Seedless Watermelons - $0.2 per pound = Rs.29 per Kg
  26. Baby Watermelons (15inchesx12inches) - $3.0 per piece = Rs.430 per piece
  27. Pumpkins - $0.33 per pound = Rs.48 per Kg
  28. Castilla Squash - $0.33 per pound = Rs.48 per Kg
  29. Peaches - $1 per pound = Rs.145 per Kg

Toppings -

  1. Salad Tomatoes (Tamatar) - $0.33 per pound = Rs 48 per Kg
  2. Slicing Tomatoes (Tamatar) - $1.58 per pound = Rs.235 per Kg
  3. Roma Tomatoes (Tamatar) - $0.89 - $1.99 per pound = Rs.129-Rs.286 per Kg
  4. Onions (Pyaaz) White - $0.20 per lb = Rs 28 per Kg
  5. Onions (Pyaaz) Red/Yellow - $0.5 - $0.98 per lb = Rs72 - Rs.143 per Kg
  6. Green Onions (small onions with stem) - $0.33 per piece
  7. Bell Peppers (Shimla Mirch) - $0.88 - $1 per pack = per Kg
  8. Jalapeno, Serrano, Anaheim Peppers (Mexican) - $0.33 - $1.3 per lb = Rs.48 - Rs.190 per Kg
  9. Cucumbers (Kheera) -  $0.25 per piece

Vegetables -

  1. Broccoli (Organic) - $1 per pound = Rs.67 per Kg
  2. Asparagus - $1.88 per pound = Rs.126 per Kg
  3. Assorted Salad (Coleslow) (Shredded Lettuce Mix) - $1.85 per pound = Rs.265 per Kg
  4. Cilantro (Dhaniya) - $0.88 per pack = per Kg
  5. Green Cabbage (Patta Ghobee) - $0.68 per pound = Rs.100 per Kg
  6. Caulifower - $0.5 per pound = Rs.72 per Kg
  7. Collard Greens (Haak) - $1.24 per pack = per Kg
  8. Kale Greens - $1.24 per pack = per Kg
  9. Iceberg Lettuce (Salaad) - $1.38 per pound = Rs.205 per Kg
  10. Artisan Romaine (Organic) - $0.8 each pack = Rs.54 per pack
  11. Table Carrots - $0.25 per pound = Rs 41 per Kg
  12. Carrots (Organic) (Gaajar) - $3 per pound = Rs.450 per Kg
  13. Lentils/Legumes/Beans/Peas (Great Value & Jack Rabbit Brand) (1lb pack) - $0.5 to $2 per pound = Rs.73 to Rs.290 per Kg
  14. Lentils/Legumes/Beans/Peas (CANNED) (Water Added) (Generic Brand) - $0.4 per lb onwards = Rs.58 per Kg onwards
  15. Celery - $1.24 per 1 large pack = Rs.85 per 1 large pack
  16. Avocados (large) - $0.68 each = Rs.46 each
  17. Yams - $0.5 per pound = Rs.72 per Kg

Spices & Tastemakers -

  1. Seasoning (Creole Blend) (Zatarain's Brand) (17 ounces Pack) - $2.43 per pound = Rs.264 per Kg
  2. Taco Mix Seasoning (Ortega Brand) (24 ounces Pack) - $3 per pound = Rs.300 per Kg
  3. Salt (Great Value Brand) (Iodized) (26 ounces Pack) - $0.33 per lb = Rs.50 per Kg
  4. Ginger Root (Adrak) - $3.48 per pound = Rs.517 per Kg
  5. Garlic (Lassan) (1.25 lbs Pack) - $5 per pound = Rs.473 per Kg
  6. Garlic (Minced) (9 ounces Pack) - $14.25 per pound = Rs.955 per Kg
  7. Indian Spices/Seasoning (Multiple Mixes) (Multiple Brands) - $8.6 to $11.4 per pound = Rs.1290 to Rs.1707 per Kg
  8. Cheese (Great Value Brand) (Fiesta Blend) (2.27kg Pack) - $2.8 per pound = Rs.412 per Kg
  9. Ricotta Cheese (Crystal Farms) (2lb Pack) - $2 per pound = Rs.300 per Kg
  10. Apple Cider Vinegar (Sirka) - $0.75 per fluid ounce = Rs.118 per Litre
  11. Pure Cocoa (Great Value Brand) - $1 per pound = Rs.150 per Kg
  12. Butter (Great Value Brand) -  ($2.48 – 4 sticks)

Sauces & Pastes -

  1. Tomato Puree (Great Value/Springfield/Goya Brand) - $0.66 per pound onwards = Rs.96 per Kg
  2. Pasta Sauce (Hunt's Brand) - $1 per 24 ounces (1.5lb) = Rs.100 per Kg
  3. Tomato Ketchup (Great Value/Springfield Brand)  - $1 per 24 ounces = Rs.100 per Kg
  4. Mustard Sauce (Koop's Brand) - $1 per 24 ounces (1.5lb) = Rs.100 per Kg
  5. TAPATIO Sauce (Vinegary Salsa - $0.7 - $1 per bottle
  6. Red Pasta Sauce (Classico's Brand) - $3.2 per 24 ounces (1.5lb) = Rs.320 per Kg
  7. Alfredo (White Pasta) Sauce (Classico's Brand) - $3.2 per 24 ounces (1.5lb) = Rs.320 per Kg
  8. Peanut Butter (Creamy) (Great Value Brand) (40 ounces pack) - $1.75 per pound = Rs.263 per Kg
  9. Premium Honey (Great Lakes RAW Brand) (24 ounces pack) - $4.33 per pound = Rs.652 per Kg
  10. Hershey's Chocolate Syrup (Sugar Free) (17.5 ounces pack) - $2.725 per pound = Rs.409 per Kg
  11. Pure Maple Syrup (Jasper's Brand) - $8 per pound - Rs.1200 per Kg
  12. Smoked Hickory (Kraft's Brand) (2.5lb pack) - $0.788 per pound = Rs.118 per Kg
  13. Guacamole (YUCATAN Brand) - $4 per pound - $4.5 per pound = Rs.600 - Rs.667 per Kg
  14. Ginger-Garlic Paste (SHAN Brand) (700g packing) - $3.25 per pound = Rs.470 per Kg
  15. Indian Chutneys (SWAD Brand) (Garlic, Ginger, Coriander, Coconut, Tamarind, etc) (7.5 ounces pack) - $9.36 per pound = Rs.1400 per Kg
  16. Indian Sauces (Multiple Brands) (Madras Curry, Butter Masala, Tandoori, etc) (12 ounces pack) - $7.5 per pound = Rs.1125 per Kg


Common Powdered Ingredients -

  1. Sugar (Great Value Brand) (25lb Pack) - $0.48 per pound = Rs.72 per Kg
  2. Stevia (Liquid) (160 servings pack) (Great Value Brand) (9.8 ounces Pack) - $8.13 per pound = Rs.1210 per Kgservings pack) (Great Value Brand) (1.68 ounces Pack) - $1.63 per ounce = Rs.3760 per Litre
  3. Stevia (Powdered) (160 servings pack) (Great Value Brand) (9.8 ounces Pack) - $8.13 per pound = Rs.1210 per Kg
  4. Cofee (Medium Roast) (100% Arabica Beans) (Sam's Choice Brand) (40 ounce Pack) - $3.175 per pound = Rs.475 per Kg
  5. Instant Cofee (Dark Roast) - $9.25 per pound = Rs.1340 per Kg
  6. Chocolate Chips (Semi-sweet) (Great Value) - $2.64 per pound = Rs.377 per Kg

Soft Drinks, Beers & Juices -

  1. Diet COLA (2 Litres Packaging, 67.6 fluid ounces pack) - $0.01 per fluid ounce = Rs.23 per Litre
  2. Diet Coke (Caffeine Free) (2 Litres Packaging) - 0.028 per fluid ounce = Rs.50 per Litre
  3. Orange Juice (Great Value Brand) - $0.028 per fluid ounce = Rs.135 per Litre
  4. Key Lime flavoured Lemonade (Summerades Brand) (2 Litres Packaging, 67.6 fluid ounces pack) - $0.012 per fluid ounce = Rs.27.3 per Litre
  5. Jarritos (Mexican Soda) (4 pack) - $0.6 per liter = Rs.40 per Litre
  6. Beer (Modelo  Especial, Corona Extra, Pacifico, Heineken) (24 Pack) - $0.95-$1.05 per bottle

Desserts -
  1. Indian Sweet Cheeseballs (Gulabjamun & Rossogolla) (1Kg Pack) - $3.18 per pound = Rs.478 per Kg

Snacks -

  1. Nachos (Cheese Tortilla Chips) (Medallion Brand) (Naturally Flavoured) (9.625 ounce Packaging) - $0.1 per ounce = Rs.241 per Kg
  2. Popcorn (Premade) (Brim's Brand) - $0.1 per ounce = Rs.93 per Kg
  3. Potato Chips (Home Style Select Brand) - $0.16 per ounce = Rs.56 per Kg
  4. Cashews Havles & Pieces (Salted & Roasted) - (Great Value Brand) (24 ounce pack) - $6 per pound =  Rs.900 per Kg
  5. Wasabi coated Green Peas (Hapi Brand) -  $7.23 per pound = Rs.1085 per Kg
  6. Peanuts (Dry Roasted & Salted) (Great Value Brand) -  $2.72 per pound = Rs.390 per Kg
  7. Peanuts (with Thin covers, only shell removed, Unsalted) (DEEP brand) - $2 per pound = Rs.285 per Kg
  8. Walnut Halves & Pieces (Fischer Brand) - $4.95 per pound = Rs.741 per Kg
  9. ALMONDS (roasted & salted) - $6.835 per pound = Rs.1025 per Kg
  10. ALMONDS (whole, natural & organic) - $5.98 per pound = Rs.900 per Kg
  11. PISTACHIOS (with shell) - $6 per pound = Rs.870 per Kg
  12. PISTACHIOS (without shell, internal nut meat only) - $12.213 per pound = Rs.1830 per Kg
  13. RAISINS (Sun Maid Brand) (20 ounce pack) - $2.625 per pound = Rs.395 per Kg
  14. PITTED DATES (Sun Sweet Brand) - $5.56 per pound = Rs.835 per Kg
  15. Asian Instant Noodles (Multiple Brands) (~50g per Pack) - $4 per pound = Rs.600 per Kg
  16. Indian Cuisines (Multiple Dishes) (Ready to Eat) (Different Brands) (200g to 300g Packs) - 3.86 to $4.2 per pound = Rs.580 to Rs.633 per Kg
  17. South Indian Cuisine Powders (Add Water) - $7.25 per pound = Rs.1092 per Kg

Stomach Fillers -

  1. Russet Potatoes (20 lb pack) - $0.15 per pound = Rs.10 per Kg
  2. Red Potatoes - $0.33 per pound = Rs.48 per Kg
  3. White/Wheat Bread (Busy Baker/Great Value Brand) - $0.72-0.8 per pound =  Rs.110-120 per Kg
  4. Double Fiber Bread (Bimbo brand) (3x24 ounce Pack) - $1.11 per pound =  Rs.161 per Kg
  5. Rotis (Chapatis) (Malaysian Parontha) (SWAD Brand) (5 count Pack) - $2.25 per pound = Rs.337 per Kg
  6. Tortillas (Nuevo Leon Brand) (12.7 ounce Pack) - $0.88 per pound = Rs.169 per Kg
  7. Tortillas (High Fiber) (Ole Extreme Brand) (24 count Pack) - $3.75 per pound = Rs.545 per Kg
  8. Long Grain White Rice (Pampa Brand) (2lb Pack) - $0.5 per pound = Rs.75 per Kg
  9. Long Grain Enriched Rice (Great Value Brand) (20lb Pack) - $0.446 per pound = Rs.67 per Kg
  10. BROWN RICE (Organic) (6 pound bag) - $1.66 per pound = Rs.250 per Kg
  11. OATS (Quaker Brand) (42 ounce pack) - $1.35 per pound = Rs.203 per Kg
  12. Corn (Bulk) -  $0.9 per pound = Rs.130 per Kg
  13. All Purpose Flour (Great Value Brand) (5lb Pack) - $0.344 per pound = Rs.51.6 per Kg

Pizza -

  1. Pizza Crust with Pizza Sauce (Mia Brand) (1 ounce Twin Pack, x2) - $1.99 per pound = Rs.296 per Kg
  2. Pepperoni Pizza Crust with Mozzarella Cheese and Pizza Sauce (Tony's Brand) (18.56 ounce Pack) - $2.155 per pound = Rs.323 per Kg
  3. Pizza Crust (Ultra Thin) (1 Pack) - $3.33 per pound = Rs.500 per Kg

Non-Vegetarian (Meats) -

  1. Eggs (18 Large Eggs Pack x2) (Twin Pack) - $0.066 per Egg = Rs.4.5 per Egg
  2. Chicken (Tyson Brand) (Whole) (With Bone & Skin) (Water Added) - 36% Protein - $0.8 per lb = Rs.115 per Kg
  3. Chicken Breasts (Generic Non-Branded) (Boneless & Skinless) (Water Added) - 46% Protein - $1.3 - $2 per lb = Rs.296 per Kg
  4. Chicken Drumstick/Leg Quarters (Generic Non-Branded) (With Bone & Skin) (Water Added) - 36% Protein - $0.5 per lb = Rs.72 per Kg
  5. Pork (Tyson Brand)  (With Bone & Skin) (Water Added) (Full Chicken Twin Pack, x2) - 36% Protein - $0.97 per lb = Rs.144 per Kg
  6. Pork (Superdale Brand) (Ham=Thigh) (With Bone & Skin) (Smoked, Ready to Eat) (Water Added) - 14.28% Protein - $1.48 per lb = Rs.218 per Kg 
  7. Shrimp (Multiple Brands) (Headless) - $6 to $10 per lb = Rs.870 to Rs.1450 per Kg
  8. Fish (Tilapia) (Whole, Product of China) -  $2 per lb = Rs.286 per Kg
  9. Fish (Catfish) (Fillet, Product of USA) -  $4 per lb = Rs.572 per Kg 
  10. Fish (Salmon) (Fillets, Product of USA) -  $5 per lb = Rs.572 per Kg 

Food Prices in Indian Rupees per Kg/Litre in the USA.
Prices manually sourced from Walmart and Dollar Tree stores in Houghton, Michigan (remote area) and Farmer's market San Francisco Bay area.

Don't Assume you can pay your own tuition -
  1. Do not count on being able to scrape up the funding after you arrive in the US. 
  2. Getting a job is not an effective means of financing an education in the US. 
  3. There are numerous restrictions on employment by foreign nationals, and some types of visas prohibit it entirely. 
  4. Even when employment is permitted, it is usually limited to no more than 20 hours per week.
  5. Most international students are limited to on-campus employment. 
  6. Your spouse will most probably not be allowed to work.
  7. Even if you are able to find work, you will not be able to get a job that pays well enough to cover all your expenses. The typical on-campus job will pay no more than $10-$15/hr.
  8. If you are studying on an F-1 visa, you may not accept off-campus employment during the first year of study. 
  9. You may, however, take an on-campus job to help pay the bills. 
  10. You are limited to 20 hours a week while school is in session, provided that you do not displace a US resident. (The test for displacement is whether the position is normally filled by students.) 
  11. Full time employment is allowed during vacations if you will be returning to school at the end of the vacation period. 
  12. The student must be in good academic standing and enrolled as a full-time student.
  13. The foreign student advisor must certify the student's Form I-538 (Certification by Designated School Official). 
  14. The student must submit Form I-765 (Application for Temporary Employment Authorization) and filing fee, along with the certified Form I-538 and the student copy of Form I-20, to the INS for work authorization. The employment authorization will be valid for one year.
  15. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) permission is not required to accept on-campus employment, but you must first apply for a Social Security Number and complete a Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility). You may also need to get authorization from the foreign student advisor.
  16. Graduate students who are participating in a cooperative education program are sometimes allowed to work for an off-campus employer who has an educational affiliation or research contract with the school.
  17. After the first year of study, a student on an F-1 visa may ask the INS for permission to accept off-campus employment. Permission is often granted if the student is experiencing severe economic hardship through no fault of their own, such as major currency fluctuations, loss of financial aid, loss or lack of availability of on-campus employment, unusual increases in tuition or living expenses, unexpected financial changes in the student's source of support, and unexpected medical expenses. 

Coursework Fees -

  1. The Tuition for one credit is
    as low as $750 (Texas universities)
    as high as $2500 (Ivy-league universities)
  2. The minimum and maximum no. of available credits you can take per semester are 9 and 13 respectively in most universities.
  3. Tuition for a semester can range a lot, depending on how many credits you take per semester and where you study.
  4. A student who is enrolled for one credit during the summer semester is considered full time.
  5. You are allowed to enroll for less than 9 credits in your last semester if you have lesser than 9 credits left out to the required minimum total credits to complete your masters degree.
  6. Minimum credits to graduate for:
    Bachelors degree: 60 credits
    Masters degree: 30 credits
  7. Any courses taken online can incur an additional fee.

Other Costs per Month -
  1. The living costs breakdown is as following:
    1. Apartment Rent (including all utilities) -
      this can range from $500 to $2500 depending on where you live.
    2. Food Cost -
      this can range from $50 to $500 depending on:
      1. where you eat, 
      2. how much you eat, and 
      3. if you cook your food yourself or not.
        Example - If you only eat Pizza and drink Beer everyday, Food Cost is $500
    3. Phone Service Cost -
      this can range from $25 to $100 depending on which plan you opt for.
    4. Miscellaneous Costs -
      Personal needs, inter-city travel, etc can be estimated at 50$-$500 depending on how you opt for services and also on how many things you brought with you from your home.

      Therefore, living cost can be (estimated) to range from $600 to $3500 per month. 

  2. Health insurance -
    1. Religare provides health insurance at ~$350 per year.
    2. ISO provides health insurance at ~$50 per month.

Additional Costs per Semester -

  1. Required fees per semester, for on-campus students, include: Fall, Summer and Spring Activity Fee (~$100)
  2. The loan origination fee, ~$100 per semester, is charged to those students receiving federal loans.
  3. Lab and Course Fees can be (estimated) as $70-$700 per semester. 
  4. Books and Supplies can be (estimated) as $50-$500 per semester.

Additional Costs for International Students -

  1. If you transfer all your tuition through Flywire, the transfer charges would be 1.625% of the total amount transferred, that is, an extra $500 to transfer your tuition fee from your home country to USA.
  2. International students are assessed ~$200 surcharge per semester.
  3. Newly admitted international students who are enrolling for the first time may be assessed a one-time, ~$100 international graduate student enrollment surcharge at the start of their first semester of enrollment.

Late Fees -

  1. All students must confirm their enrollment each semester by paying their bills on time to avoid late fees and keep their course schedule.
  2. If no money is owed or there is a credit balance, the student must confirm enrollment by clicking the button at the bottom of the online bill before the deadline.
  3. If money is owed, payment of the amount due on the billing statement, or the amount due on your payment plan contract, must be made before the deadline.
  4. Your enrollment must be confirmed by the due date. If you miss this deadline, a late enrollment processing fee will be assessed to your account. 
  5. Your enrollment will be canceled if enrollment is not confirmed by first week of classes. 
  6. A late enrollment/registration fee is assessed for students who reschedule their classes.

References -
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